Ditch the Phone

Found in Pixabay.com under creative commons

Found in Pixabay.com under creative commons

I admit, I definitely need to leave my phone alone. Technology has taken over our lives and while most of its domination is a good thing, the distraction that our phones has given us is intolerable. Taking a day away from your phone can make you more aware of how much your life has changed. Think about the days before you had your phone, most people my age can’t even remember those days and that is just really sad. We won’t die without internet, we might actually live even better.

Out of all the items on this bucket list, this one is probably the hardest one to actually fulfill which should be enough reason to actually complete it. Since when is leaving our phone harder than running 3 miles? It shouldn’t be as hard but for some reason we’ve let our obsession with the outside world take over our lives. Just try not touching your phone for an hour and you’ll see just how hard it is. It’s time to take control back, I’d break my phone if I was you.

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